Wednesday, December 20, 2006

i need a nap. not a "nap" but a nap.

I'm in the middle of a condumdrum. Do I get romantical with the hubs this weekend in the hopes that something will stick.....or do I listen to the little voice inside my brain that wants to know if ImoutofmyeverlovingmindIhaveabrandnewjobwithawholeboatloadofresponsibilitesanddontevenremotelyhavetimetohaveababy!

Random thought..."Little Drummer Boy" as sung by Marlene Dietrich just came on the station I'm listening to on my computer?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch..........So what do I do about the fact that two little lines showed up on my pee stick and I'm evidently going to percolate within the next 24 to 36 hours? The fact that I am so insanely tired today I think has answered my question. Half of my staff has been gone this week with flu. And as a sidenote I don't think I have ever used up so much Lysol in my life! We'll just wait till next month I think.

I'm off to take a nap.

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